A Modern Woman on the Move

in hot pursuit of the great green light…

Posts Tagged ‘programs

Tell me about youth resources you know and love!

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Hey everybody,

Do you know of an awesome organization or program that directly services youth?

I am working on a comprehensive guide/zine of youth resources for youth to be distributed within Youth Empowerment and Solidarity  (YES!), the Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) Program I work for, and in the newly revised roadmap we’re making for Rock’n’Roll Camp for Girls. I want to make sure this guide really helps youth get connected with what they need for both their emotional and physical well-being, it would help especially to hear about any resources in the Mall 205 area for my YES/SUN students, but I want to hear about anything in the Portland and greater Portland areas. I am also especially interested in youth-led recources and groups like the Multnomah Youth Commission because I think that youth working with each other in solidarity is important.

If you can provide a small description, that would help my process if I am unfamiliar with the organization or program because I am including brief descriptions in the guide. Please also help signal boost this and share it far and wide! Thanks in advance! You can email me the suggestions if you’d like. lovemotionstory at gmail of course.

